Posts by Danny Cheah

Show threads by Danny Cheah
59 posts found, page 1 of 4

Danny Cheah (In thread: Change Default View to Load)

Hi David,

The reason I'm asking is because I'm looking at my project developed using AB1 and trying to recreate/migrate to the new AB2. Since I have not work on AB1 for some time, I'm trying to figure out again how my application works in AB1. I wanted to find out how to make a View(login) to load as default instead of another page, thus me asking how to set the default View.

After reading your reply, I now know that that by default the first view in the list will be the default view. I've tested moving the view to the top and it's now working for both AB1 & AB2.

Can I just ask another question? Is there a tutorial on how to setup/deploy/compiled AB2 application to Google playstore and iOS playstore? I may need help in this area as I'm not a very technical person. I would like to have a head start so that once I migrate my existing AB1 application to AB2, I would like to roll out on both Android and iOS devices. So I need all the time for me to test it out.

Thanks again for your help.

Danny Cheah (In thread: Change Default View to Load)

Dear David,

So sorry for asking this very basic questions again. I decided to change the main View to load and I can't seems to find a way of doing that. If I'm not mistaken, there is a place where I can define which View to load am I right? Can you tell me where to define in both the AppBuilder (2019) and DesSoft AppBuilder (2021).

Thanks so much for your help.

Danny Cheah (In thread: Background Image)

Dear David

Thank you so much for all the help. I truly appreciate your patience in dealing with my most fundamental questions.

Take care.

Danny Cheah (In thread: Background Image)

Dear David

I tried every suggestion you recommended but I still can't get it to show the background image. Below are 2 configurations that I've tried. The first I'm using the Style Property with the URL as indicated below in the first image.

The second method that I tried, is via the View1 designer as shown below in the second picture

I also want to assign different background image to different views and how do I do that?

Danny Cheah (In thread: Background Image)

Hi David

I'm using the IDE controls style inspector where I enter it in the view1 Style window --> Background --> BackgroundImage --> app/images/50thAnniversary.jpg ( which I added the image via File Manager).

Danny Cheah (In thread: Sidebar Options)

Hi David,

I try to setup the sidebar header (text, image url) in the sidebar option window and when I execute, it did not show. I also set the direction to Right and it was defaulted to Left instead.

Having tried the above, I try setting the above values during runtime and it works. Why is that so?

Danny Cheah (In thread: Background Image)

Hi David,

I am testing the new 2021.24 which I just got and was trying to set the background image and when I compiled the app, the background image did not work for both the View and ImagePush. I've also setup Files Manager for my image and use the App Path in the Style window for the background image.

Hope to hear from you soon.



Danny Cheah (In thread: Report control in the new AB)

Hi David, 

Thank you for the pointers to the sample app. I now understand how to implement it on AB2020. Your instruction is indeed very helpful. 

Thanks again.

Danny Cheah (In thread: Report control in the new AB)

Dear David

What is the equivalent control of the Report control in AB2019 in AB 2020. In AB 2019, I use the report control and setting the source url from a .json file to show the content. How can I achieve this in AB2020? 

Thanks in advance. 

Danny Cheah (In thread: Report Object Overlapping in a Container Object)

Hi David,

Thanks for the help.

Danny Cheah (In thread: Save Customize Layout)
Thanks David. Will be looking forward to this feature in the future when you implement it.

Danny Cheah (In thread: Report Object Overlapping in a Container Object)

Hello David,

My report object ReportNewDevotion and ReportNewStory place in the view was not overlapping each other. They have a space between each other during design time. But during runtime, the content of ReportNewDevotion and ReportNewStory merge together without having a space between them. What must I do to show the space between the two reports object during runtime?

Danny Cheah (In thread: Save Customize Layout)

Hi David,

How do I save a customize layout for AB 2020 just like AB2019 where I can save my own layout so that each new project that I create will have the same layout. So sorry for asking such a non trivial question.

Danny Cheah (In thread: Report Object Overlapping in a Container Object)

Hi David,

I have 3 report objects placed inside a container object as shown below. When I run the application, the content of the report seems to overlapping as shown on the second picture. 

How do I resolve it? I have set the report style overflowx to visable so that the content is shown in full without the scroll bar. Is there a way to make the contents of each of the report object not to overlap? 


Danny Cheah (In thread: Overlapping objects)

Hi David,

I managed to resolve the problem. I deleted the NavBar and insert it again and this time it works. I've faced similar issue before when I placed a text object and the position and size did not turn out the same during runtime and I have to just delete and insert again the same object and then it works.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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