DecSoft Testimonials

There is nothing more important for us than our customers satisfaction. We work hard every day in order to maintain our products well updated and supported. Always is good to know than our products help other people in their own projects and business. Below you can read just a few of the comments that our customers send to us.

Thanks very much to all!


[...] Right from the first day I saw your product DecSoft App Builder I feel in love with it and I started to have some good ideas.

Ade Wale, Espoo, Finland

Yesterday I faced technical and customer support from heaven. For our projects we needed an HTML compiler and found DecSoft HTML Compiler. Downloaded and tested it with an issue of not showing part of our app. Upon sending the inquiry at 6PM I received several emails aimed at an adequate description of the issue and suggestions on how to overcome and solve it. In the end, the last correspondence happened about midnight, and BINGO the new version of the compiler is released the same night. I have no words to describe the support from DecSoft Utils. Moreover, it is not only about the support but about the power, options, and user-friendliness of the DecSoft HTML compiler. Consequently, I highly recommend the full service.


A pesar de que hace muy poco tiempo he comenzado a utilizar tus plugins, me he dado cuenta que son MUY ÚTILES, que nos dan una muy buena performance en nuestras aplicaciones y que atrás de todo esto se puede percibir la CALIDAD DE PERSONA, que NO nos deja solo y nos acompaña en todo momento con el servicio técnico. Vayan mis más sinceras FELICITACTIONES, muchos ÉXITOS y un FUERTE ABRAZO desde este lado del continente.


[...] I really appreciate Your effort with informations about Your plug-ins and news about plug-ins and Your work :-) I try all of Your plug-ins and I'm impressed - this is not just flattery - as IT pro system administrator) over 25 years I saw EVERYTHING, believe me, but Your work is stunning :-)

Dražen Glojnaric, Zagreb, Croatia

Ce plugin [npMsgs] est une nécessité pour des applications réduites et est vite amorti car il "reveille" l application tout en empêchant que plusieurs occurrences de la même application s exécutent. Mais il permet aussi de passer naturellement des messages d une application à l autre. C est un vrai gain de temps.

Samuel Vanneste, Fontenay le Fleury, France

You being one of the finest programmer for extending capabilities of VisualNeo always need motivation. We, the users of creative works should have a close bonding with it’s creator for mutual survival. I tender my sincerest thanks to you for doing excellent works on VisualNeo.

Saptarshi Ghosh, Bharat Nagar, India

Great Plug David! [npGaug] Who doesn't want to watch a dial needle make it's way across the face of an instrument. Reminds me of my old days when I had my 68 Plymouth Roadrunner. I'd floor the pedal and watch my tachometer needle fly across the dial. But then I digress and day dream.... Hmmm now I can create a pub that will do just that. David you continue to support the NeoWorld with great plugins. I appreciate your work and effort.

Donald Walker, Lorena, Texas

I should say thank you for giving us such a good product. I never imagine that I could create apps without AppBuilder. I have a long way to go since i'm just a novice in Apps Development.

Danny Cheah, Penang, Malaysia

[...] I've been away for some time and didn't have a clue of all the changes in the plug-in developing scene in which you seem to climb fast to the top now... You've really made some beautiful plug-ins now! [...] Keep up the good work David!

Frank Evers, Netherlands

HTML コンパイラ を購入しました。このソフトは、とても素晴らしいと思っているのですが、日本人の購入者が僕以外に1名と聞いて、とても少ないと感じています。 もっと日本人が購入したら良いのにと思います。 がんばってください。


[...] You can add to my testimonial my strong belief that you have produced the finest collection of plugins for the VisualNeo platform of anyone in our community and that is saying something as there are some other great plugin developers out there). Thanks and I look forward to doing business with you again soon.

Samuel Wood, London, United Kingdom

Thank you for super-fast delivery. All plugins registered without a hitch. [...] npZips is a fantastic plugin, no disrespect to other zip plugins I own another commercial one), npzips is fast, full featured and compact. I'd say npzips is the best zip plugin available for VisualNeo. I've already deployed it in two commercial applications with a third on the way and I've just updated another that previously used a different zip plugin, converting it to npzips and its improved performance.


I love what you did with the DecSoft App Builder. Very nice. Your product is quite amazing. I wish I could help you spread the word on it. You really have something quite unique. While there are many development tools on the planet, what you combined together, in that level of ease, is indeed unique these days.

Frank Russ, New York, USA

[...] your work is very helpful! you seem to be the most proactive plugin developer for VisualNeo there is. I hope you will continue to develop as every time you release one it means VisualNeo gets more powerful.

Charles Jury, Papakura, New Zealand

[...] I must say your plugins are the best, not only for its indispensable functions and actions, but also for its professional design, functionality and support. I do not see VisualNeo without DecSoft NeoPlugins. Thank you.

Eduardo Volpi, São Paulo, Brazil

If you are looking for a development tool that enables you to build a wide range of applications (HTML5 applications, Web applications, Web Extensions and Hybrid applications) for mobiles and desktops then you should look no further than DecSoft App Builder. DecSoft App Builders easy and powerful user interface enables the developer to rapidly produce effective software solutions. You also receive a level of support from it’s developer that is second to none. I have been using DecSoft App Builder for a few years now and it has become my preferred development tool for creating HTML5 applications, Web applications, Web Extensions and Hybrid applications. If you are serious about developing these types of applications I recommend you invest in this tool. You won’t regret it.

John Clarke, Penge, London, United Kingdom

I'm really enjoying the possibilities of your plug-ins, it gives me a lot of futures I didn’t had before or only with use of a lot more of script.


I moved from IONIC to DecSoft App Builder, because of its robustness and simplicity. In the past, several macOS or IONIC updates broke my toolchain. As a result, small app changes on an already finished project often took hours. Porting projects from IONIC to DecSoft App Builder is a breeze. Now I can develop in a fragment of my time and I can always be sure that nothing breaks. Thanks for your excellent work!


Déjame agradecerte por tan inmenso esfuerzo que realizas al desarrollar los diferentes plugs para VisualNeo, realmente son muy buenos!

Carlos Torres, Universidad de Pamplona, Colombia

[...] Just want to thank you for making these plugins allowing us less technically minded developers to expand what we can make. Your products will definitely help me in the future and I'm sure many more too.

Charles Jury, Papakura, New Zealand

Thanks very much, you help me a lot and your support and reply to my needs were incredible! Im developing now clinical and healthcare applications and i love your plugin [npPlot], it help me alot and save me hundred of hours programming, thanks very much! [...] you are the best plugin developer i ever saw for VisualNeo! Thank you very much for being a so awesome developer and a great guy. Your support and work are excellent and you deserve all the success. With best regards.

Tercio Machado, Setubal, Portugal

PERFECT! [...] Awesome how great your [DecSoft App Builder] software and support is. I will SWEAR by it and use it for all mobile and HTML5 programming.

Mike Felker, Cigar Lane, USA

Thank you so much for your deep and accurate help! You solved my issue and now all works great! Great Job! Compliments for your DecSoft App Builder !!! No APPBuilder No Party !!!!!!!


[...] Thanks for your help. By the way - your plugins are great. The npRexp is in all my projects I have.". "[...] many thanks for your great support. Your plugins are the reason why I use VisualNeo as programming system for some projects.

Jürgen Pfisterhammer, Mettenheim, Germany

This is just what I ve been looking for - the new additions [to npImgs] of scale to a percentage and watermark actions are really useful for me... ...and the discounts for multiple plugins as a bundle makes these even better value.

David Robinson, Notts, United Kingdom

I think it is a great achievement you have made here! I have tested similar products the past year in order to find an app tool that could extend our offer, which is embedded industrial automation systems. Our customer often needs an very custom app for their needs and I found DecSoft App Builder as a good platform for this so far. First we will create an app that will act as a remote control of our server based core product. We will use WebSocket control for communication and then a custom plugin for local event notifications. Also the Report control will be used for arbitrary JSON payloads sent via WS back to app. All of this is verified to work in webapp + android so far.

Torbjörn Carlqvist, Kalmar, Sweden

DecSoft App Builder] is of a genius, man! you beat even google's android studio, your products need more publicity, and people to share what you do, i will do what possibly can to help you here in Greece, maybe my dream to make a cool app is on the way!!!


I have purchased several [Visual Neo] plug-ins from Decsoft in the last couple of months. They turn out to be quite useful for the kind of apps I am developing, and when purchased as a bundle they are not expensive either. Apart from the obvious high quality of the plug-ins and their included sample applications, I would like to mention the highly responsive customer service by David Esperalta. I contacted him a couple of times with specific questions and one or two help requests. Each time he did his utmost to help me, his help was very effective. David really goes the extra mile for his customers. Highly recommended!

Rob Meulman, Sellingen, Groningen, Netherlands

[...] As I have said a few times David I am so impressed with your work and support too. Really your have made a huge difference to what I am able to do. So thank you! Stay safe & well.


I'd just like to let you know that I'm incredibly happy with my latest purchases, especially npDesk which is so beautifully made and easily implemented. npCard and npDraw are similarly brilliant and powerful. My humble thanks to you for letting my thoughts become reality through your genius! Every single time I purchase a plugin I am still knocked back by the speed of service and quality of the product.

Samuel Wood, London, United Kingdom

[...] en el tiempo que llevo yo en este mundillo del VisualNeo, para mi gusto, tus plugins son los que mas te solucionan la papeleta, por lo menos para las cosas que yo hago.


Con poco tiempo que llevo de usar estos Plugins, he visto que mis pequeñas aplicaciones contienen un toque más profesional por el gran esfuerzo de tu trabajo y la calidad incrustada en cada una de las acciónes de tus plugins.


I just wanted to say that I purchased the plug-ins I am very happy with them. They are of a professional quality and really can expand what you can do with VisualNeo. More power to DEC.


Great Job. I have registered many of these [VisualNeo] Plugins and would like to congratulate David for the hundreds of new actions in VisualNeo. All of them with the same admirable quality. The resemblance to the style of the main tool is remarkable.


Just to drop you a quick email to let you know that I think your work on the VisualNeo platform is outstanding and has enabled many of my projects to get off the ground and function. I look forward to your new plugins to see what you come up with next. I recommend you very highly and every plugin I have bought from you has been a great investment. Keep up the good work and thank you.

Samuel Wood, London, United Kingdom
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