DecSoft Support

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HTML コンパイラ を購入しました。このソフトは、とても素晴らしいと思っているのですが、日本人の購入者が僕以外に1名と聞いて、とても少ないと感じています。 もっと日本人が購入したら良いのにと思います。 がんばってください。
Kida Shigeo, 宇陀市室生無山, 奈良県, Japan
[...] Just want to thank you for making these plugins allowing us less technically minded developers to expand what we can make. Your products will definitely help me in the future and I'm sure many more too.
Charles Jury, Papakura, New Zealand
Yesterday I faced technical and customer support from heaven. For our projects we needed an HTML compiler and found DecSoft HTML Compiler. Downloaded and tested it with an issue of not showing part of our app. Upon sending the inquiry at 6PM I received several emails aimed at an adequate description of the issue and suggestions on how to overcome and solve it. In the end, the last correspondence happened about midnight, and BINGO the new version of the compiler is released the same night. I have no words to describe the support from DecSoft Utils. Moreover, it is not only about the support but about the power, options, and user-friendliness of the DecSoft HTML compiler. Consequently, I highly recommend the full service.
Dragan Vucic, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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