DecSoft About

DecSoft have twenty two years of experience developing software for Microsoft Windows and the World Wide Web. We place at your disposition all our products with the hope that can be useful for you. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need some custom software solution.

Web sites & web apps

If you need a web site for your personal use or for your business or company, we can offer to you the best in the most recent web technologies. We use our own well proved framework for the server side and well knows frameworks in the client side.

Software for Windows

If you need a native program for Microsoft Windows you also can count with us. We have lot of experience developing software for this operating system and want to offer this experience for you to create useful native Windows applications for you, your business or company.

Plug-ins for VisualNeo

You probably know that DecSoft have published right now 60 plug-ins for VisualNeo: the World's Best collection of plug-ins for VisualNeo. We can develop customs plug-ins for you, in order to enhance your already existing or new VisualNeo applications. We have lot of experience on this field.

Apps for Android and iOS

By using DecSoft App Builder we can create applications for Android, iOS and other supported platforms. We already help to create various applications using our DecSoft App Builder and can also help you in your own applications too.

Don't hesitate to contact!

We are ready to reply to you as quickly as possible. Don't hesitate to contact. Feel free to write an email at or just use the DecSoft contact form. We will happy to help you.

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Ask us anything about our products


I think it is a great achievement you have made here! I have tested similar products the past year in order to find an app tool that could extend our offer, which is embedded industrial automation systems. Our customer often needs an very custom app for their needs and I found DecSoft App Builder as a good platform for this so far. First we will create an app that will act as a remote control of our server based core product. We will use WebSocket control for communication and then a custom plugin for local event notifications. Also the Report control will be used for arbitrary JSON payloads sent via WS back to app. All of this is verified to work in webapp + android so far.
Torbjörn Carlqvist, Kalmar, Sweden
I just wanted to say that I purchased the plug-ins I am very happy with them. They are of a professional quality and really can expand what you can do with VisualNeo. More power to DEC.
Steven Hertz, Brooklyn, New York
[...] your work is very helpful! you seem to be the most proactive plugin developer for VisualNeo there is. I hope you will continue to develop as every time you release one it means VisualNeo gets more powerful.
Charles Jury, Papakura, New Zealand

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