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182 posts found, page 11 of 13

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] How to test the Code Minimizer ?)

Hello David,
You are right, I did inverted the steps. Many thanks for having put me in the right direction :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] How to test the Code Minimizer ?)

I wanted to test the Code Minimizer's option because I am still worrying (or trying to find) about the proper way to protect my scripts when used on the web.

If I well understand it, I was expecting : "Javascript and CSS code become non human friendly readable"

What I have done is to create a sample app, saved it, started the code minimizer and built the app. After that, I was gone inside the compiled app's folder and especially the builder & app "scripts" folders.

Inside the builder folder, the builder.js seems to be minimized. But inside the app folder, the app.js is readable

In the same time, the views inside the app's views folder seem to be minimized but not the ones inside the builder's view folder.

Please, do you see what I am missing ? Many thanks :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Don't receive values after a GET request)

Hello David,
What I mean is :
- after having added the necessary headers, in debug mode, App Builder seems not to get the reply from the server
- if I execute the same code from the debugger but in a browser, this one receives the response from the server

I have made a ScreenGif about

On the left App Builder's in debug mode and on the right Firefox developer edition.
On the left, we don't receive the time and the HttpStatus gets -1
On the right, we receive the time and the HttpStatus gets 200

I hope to have been clearer about and do apologize for the previous question :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Don't receive values after a GET request)

Here is my feedback after some hours and several trials.

With LC server the headers used in the PHP script seem not to be exposed in $_SERVER[] (for livecoders, the libURLLastHTTPHeaders() function had no use for me too). So there is a need of sending them on a fixed basis and we can't rely on the tests.

If you use sessions, they must be started before sending the headers. The headers must be sent before any other message.

A remark about the first instruction : I have several VPS running LC server. I have noticed that on some I had to comment the first line (the one about the Origin) because some of my Apache versions did already send the information about the origin and, studying the headers returned, I had the star twice.

The last question is this one for our host, David : is it normal that the debugger won't receive any result of a GET request while a browser launched in debug mode will ?

Many thanks :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Don't receive values after a GET request)

Hello David,
I have tried to translate the PHP code to the LiveCode one but it still doesn't produce any data after a GET request.
So, I have used Firefox and the Live headers extension to check the headers.
Please, may I ask you if you could see anything different or missing compared to your own headers ?


OPTIONS /appb/test/index.lc HTTP/1.1
Host: s1.applicateur.fr
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Access-Control-Request-Method: GET
Access-Control-Request-Headers: cache-control,if-modified-since,pragma
Connection: keep-alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 17:04:51 GMT
Server: Apache
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
access-control-allow-origin: *
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Length: 46
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

Many thanks :)

Edit: just saw and understood that the third test was not returning the header. I will have to work on that point too

Edit: when not using a test and forcing the requested headers to their default values, it works. I will have to search if those headers are available in LiveCode server too.

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Don't receive values after a GET request)

Many thanks David for your quick and detailed reply. I will have to find the proper way to implement that :)
A++ grade service ;-)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Don't receive values after a GET request)


I am submitting the question only to check if I don't have any trouble with my server / scripts. What I have seen is that I don't receive a response after a HttpClient or SimpleGet requests. I receive it after a POST but not a GET.
I have created a sample project located at https://s1.applicateur.fr/appb/test/MyApp.zip

My script by itself is written in LiveCode language and does only this :
put the long date

It can be tested using a browser and if I well remember we already made some tests on this previously.

On the server, the CORS are enabled. Perhaps the problem is on my own machine ?

Any idea will be welcomed as usual :)
Many thanks

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: How to add new Cordova plugins please ?)

Hello David,
Wonderful, great, super fast. I do not have enough words to say how much I owe you.
Again and again, thanks for the great work and your great support :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: How to add new Cordova plugins please ?)

Hello David,
I do thank you a lot for the useful tutorial. You know what I had missed ? The StartJS/EndJS (poor my).
That's super because it opens a lot of possibilities. Many, many thanks again David

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: How to add new Cordova plugins please ?)


Me again after having checked and updated all my Cordova settings (if you saw the previous post I deleted earlier).

As a test drive, I tried to include a Cordova plugin that lets us send SMS on Android without any user action. I have created a sample project with one button linked to a JavaScript function (JavaScript provided - link below).

My issue (or I must say, "what I don't know how to do") is to add the plugin inside the project's folder so it could be included in the generated app.
I have already tried to include the specified command cordova plugin add com.jsmobile.plugins.sms inside the project's folder before to launch the batch file and it had not worked. I have tried to insert the command (CALL cordova plugin add com.jsmobile.plugins.sms) inside the cordova_android.bat batch (just after REM Add the Whitelist plugin for our app) file without more success.

Please do you see what I am doing wrong or what I could miss to do ? Many thanks


Samuel Vanneste (In thread: About Launcher sample and iOS)

Hello David,

Thanks for the very quick reply. You are right, I was a bit confused about (too used to generating from Windows for now). I do have a Mac and will try to compile the example from it.

So, if I do understand correctly, I won't have to check any "Batch Files" option but only the "Create a Cordova config file" option ?

Wishing you a happy weekend :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: About Launcher sample and iOS)

Hello David,

I studied the new Launcher sample app and noticed in the comment a reference to iOS (somthing I never thought previously) : ..."Note that this app sample only works in Android and iOS"...

But in the same time, when I go into the App Options, I can not see any Batch Files selection for iOS. So, I would like to know the proper way to do : will it work by generating the Android batch files always, please ?

Many thanks

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Not urgent : Container & Report, some ideas)

Hello David,
Thanks a lot for that update. You are awesome :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Not urgent : Container & Report, some ideas)

Hello David

I do thank you because I did not thought about the cut/paste function. Super :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Not urgent : Container & Report, some ideas)


While creating my first "biggest" project (a web interface to manage my mobile apps which communicates with webservices), I have thought about two ideas :

1/ the ability to move Objects inside a Container after the previous design time : in fact, I don't know if I haven't understood but when I try to move an object in the "Objects" panel or from the view, I don't manage to put them into the container

2/ an event to get the selected value (or the selected row) in a Report. We have the Click event but no event to get the one clicked (or I have not found it). This could be very handy to chain new actions from a grid

Hope this can help :)

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