Posts by Samuel Vanneste

Show threads by Samuel Vanneste
182 posts found, page 12 of 13

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Program flow and SplitStr)

Hello David,

What is your Windows version ?

It is Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bits.

If you need an example, I would be glad to provide one based on the one of this morning.

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Program flow and SplitStr)

Hello David,
There is something else I have seen: when you want to log the content of a variable which holds an array length, you get a program exception.
But this doesn't mean that the ArrayLength command is not working, it is only the fact that we can not print it in the logs. For example : you can put the value inside an Input field.

Thanks a lot for all the good work you do :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Program flow and SplitStr)

I due you a lot of tapas and beers too ;)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Program flow and SplitStr)

Hello David,

I do thank you for your quick reply which clears many things and helps a lot. To summarize and check if I well understood, could we say that :
"defining the variable inside the parent code module and before a call to the function, makes that variable a Global variable and not only a Reference to that variable" ?

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Program flow and SplitStr)

Hello David,
I have prepared an example if you would like to test it

Many thanks

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Program flow and SplitStr)

Edit: I have found a workaround by inserting a StrReplace inside the Http code module. So I think this does force any casting to a real String ?

And this does work only by replacing any character inside the source string. Not only the separator.

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Program flow and SplitStr)


There is something I can't get because I am too used to classes and OO, it's the program flow. I have seen this and I can not understand (I have put many Log commands to check the type of data returned) :

1/ when I do a SplitStr following the example provided in the help file, for example from inside a Button's code module, I get an array in return
2/ but when I use an App Builder function (not a JavaScript one) that returns a String (String used in a Http code module after a call to that function) and even if I check if it is really a String and even if I check it's content, I can't get an Array after SplitStr

On the image you can check that :
Line 3 : check if the returned variable is a String
Line 4 : the returned variable is a String
Line 5 : the content of the variable is "societe2;societe1"
Line 6, 7 and 8 speak by themselves

Please, do you see what I am doing the wrong way ? Many thanks

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Could we use HTC with AB?)

Hello David,

I do thank you for your detailed analysis and expert reply. I'll do differently :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Could we use HTC with AB?)

Hello David,

I have tried to compile a webapp, project built using App Builder, using HTML Compiler. There was no error at all but the code seems not to be executed locally (the compile app showed a blank screen).

I wondered if it could be hard for me to adapt the code generated by AppBuilder to be able to execute it locally (like a way to quickly build windows desktop apps).

Many thanks

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [not urgent and not important] Actions toolbar sorting)

Hello David,

Wow, I am very impressed by the new Typeahead Input.

But as I go further in App Builder (really great IDE), I would like to ask for an evolution : could you please make the Actions toolbar sorting alphabetically ? I am often lost while looking for the right action to insert. Or perhaps is there a reason for that not to be sorted that I have not understood ?

This request is not urgent and not important at all as I guess I will learn all the actions soon.



Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Correct usage of Watcher ?)

Hello David,

Thanks a lot for your reply. I do agree with the idea of creating the URL manually for the GET requests. I was not sure about the HttpSetData function, reason why I did ask you. Perhaps it is more simple to keep HttpSetData for the POST requests as you confirmed :)
Wishing you a good evening and thanks again David

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Correct usage of Watcher ?)

Hello David,

Linking more than one HttpClients was the solution. I had hard times with setting CORS on other servers and receiving the variable sent in GET format (I am not using PHP but will have to think about).
This makes me think about this (but I am not sure if it is normal or not) : Should the HttpSetData work with a GET method too or is it reserved to POST only ? In fact, I was able to receive a variable using GET when I created the URL myself etc.

Many thanks :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Correct usage of Watcher ?)

Hello David,

I do thank you for your nice and helpful information. It clears really the things. So, I'll keep in my mind to use the HttpClient for chained operation.

Many thanks again, David

Edit : of course, I'll post the result of the chained HttpClients as you suggested

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Correct usage of Watcher ?)

While enjoying learning App Builder and making my tests with web apps, I had a question about the Watcher's usage.

I created a sample project waiting for the result of a SimpleGet before to send a Post request using a HttpClient (that request is inside a Function). But the problem I am facing is this one : I have put an Alert box to see when the Watcher is detecting a value change. That Alert box is shown directly when the page is loaded even if the Watcher is not started and not associated with any variable in Design mode (association made by code after a button press).

So, I wonder if I have well understood how it works (the sample app provided works really great).

Many thanks

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Purpose of "Windows" batch file ?)


Perhaps VS is the problem or perhaps Cordova. I really don't know what it does. I just made a new test with checking the Windows checkbox only and in the logs, Cordova installs some phone functions...

Adding windows project...
Creating Cordova Windows Project:
App Name : TestACC
Namespace : [removed]
Path : C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass_test_Comp
Copying template to C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass_test_Comp
WARNING: org.apache.cordova.device-motion has been renamed to cordova-plugin-dev
ice-motion. You may not be getting the latest version! We suggest you `cordova p
lugin rm org.apache.cordova.device-motion` and `cordova plugin add cordova-plugi
Fetching plugin "org.apache.cordova.device-motion" via cordova plugins registry
Installing "org.apache.cordova.device-motion" for windows
WARNING: org.apache.cordova.device-orientation has been renamed to cordova-plugi
n-device-orientation. You may not be getting the latest version! We suggest you
`cordova plugin rm org.apache.cordova.device-orientation` and `cordova plugin ad
d cordova-plugin-device-orientation`.
Fetching plugin "org.apache.cordova.device-orientation" via cordova plugins regi
Installing "org.apache.cordova.device-orientation" for windows
Running command: cmd "/s /c ""C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass
Applying Platform Config...
The following image is skipped due to unsupported size: www/app/images/icon.png
MSBuildToolsPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\amd64\
Building project: C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass_test_Compil
Configuration : debug
Platform : anycpu
CordovaApp.Windows80 -> C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass_te
CordovaApp.Windows80 -> C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass_te
Le package a bien été créé.
Building project: C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass_test_Compil
Configuration : debug
Platform : anycpu
CordovaApp.Phone -> C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass_test_C
undle\CordovaApp.Phone_1.0.1.0_anycpu_debug.appx (unsigned)
CordovaApp.Phone -> C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass_test_C
undle\CordovaApp.Phone_1.0.1.0_scale-100.appx (unsigned)
CordovaApp.Phone -> C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass_test_C
CordovaApp.Phone -> C:\Users\Samuel\AppBuilder\Compass Windows\Compass_test_C
Le package a bien été créé.
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...

The app was compiled on Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bits so it should be executable on Windows 64 bits. But I won't spend your time with that and will try to understand what Cordova does (and learn too).

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