Posts by decsoft

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decsoft (In thread: Android : Is there a way to stop the keyboard from resizing the view?)


Of course you need to try with the "Scaled" option if you are not used before:

From the object inspector:

From the app's options dialog:

decsoft (In thread: Android : Is there a way to stop the keyboard from resizing the view?)


Are you using the "Scaled" app's option? In my tests this is the best option for mobiles and the keyboard behaviour is better (in my opinion) because the app is scaled occupied the space leave by the keyboard. The "Fullscreen" option is not recommended for normal apps: probably games and some apps can need it, but in my tests the "Fullscreen" can also interfere with the keyboard behaviour.

So in conclusion:

1º Use the "Scaled" app's option

2º Do not use the "Fullscreen" app's option

Try it and look how the keyboard behaviour. I think it's not a problem if the app layout "scaled" to the free space: in fact the keyboard must be shown to do the work... On the other hand, I can't found in the Cordova's documentation the Android option you mentioned, then maybe you can use it, but manually editing the Android's manifest file.

decsoft (In thread: How to prevent OpenNewWindow Event)


Yes; another possible way is to use another API instead the "Embedded" one. Apparently the plugin you mentioned uses a more complete API, then probably we can control a little more what appear in the map. If you need any help, please, post it here or open a new forum's thread tin. Ok?

decsoft (In thread: How to prevent OpenNewWindow Event)

Hello tin,

In principle, a link in an "iframe" are opened in the same iframe, except if the link have the "target='_blank'" attribute. In this case the link are opened in a new window or browser tab. I try with the "Show larger map" link which appear in the Google Maps sample and, in my phone, the link is simply ignored (?).

Certainly I am not quite sure how to proceed. Maybe we can try to search a way in order to tell the map to don't show that link. This can be the best possible solution, but I don't know if it possible tin... This things happend when we uses certain thirdparty services. In other words, if we use own our iframe contents, then we can take care about what exactly is shown and how the links are opened.

Sorry if I can't tell you more at this time.

decsoft (In thread: How to send latitude and longtitude to Googlemap App?)


Thanks tin. I try the app and works like expected here in my Android 4.4.2 device. Thanks for sharing it!

decsoft (In thread: How to send latitude and longtitude to Googlemap App?)


Ok tin. Thanks for the explanation! :)

decsoft (In thread: How to send latitude and longtitude to Googlemap App?)


Thanks tin. Apparently you are using a different plugin than the used by the Launcher control. But are you tried with the Launcher control? On the other hand, when you deal before with the "OpenWindow", are you checking the "Browser" Cordova's plugin in the app's options?

Anyway thanks for your offer. Feel free to use the Upload section of this forum or contact me in info (AT) davidesperalta (DOT) com.

decsoft (In thread: {Suggestion} WYSIWYG Html Editor)


I use EmbeddedWB in my programs, also in App Builder. It's quite useful. In fact I use that as the editor preview webbrowser. And here is again the point: the preview browser not only show the code editor "in real time", but also applies the Bootstrap CSS framework, which is something that no WYSIWYG editor can do, at least in my experience.

Other problems can appear too with the WYSIWYG editor. For example, the Report control expect and support more or less complex HTML code and AngularJS specific HTML code which probably are not supported by a WYSIWYG editor. Last, but not least, the components who edunt linked are too expensive to me right now: may I need to sold some AB licenses before...

In conclusion: a WYSIWYG editor can be useful, but leaks some features we can't forget like the Report AngularJS specific HTML code. On the other hand, we have a "real time" preview webbrowser just aside the editor: just when we write something the preview browser is updated and show the changes, I insist, using the Bootstrap CSS framework, another WYSIWYG editor leak...

decsoft (In thread: {Suggestion} WYSIWYG Html Editor)


bootstrap-wysiwyg :)

If I am not wrong the editor you link uses Bootstrap CSS, but, this is not exactly what we needed: we need that the produced code are ready for the Bootstrap CSS. On the other hand, you link to a cute piece of software, but they are an HTML component, no exactly the kind of control I looking to be used in the Delphi environment, in which App Builder is made. This secondly question maybe can be sustainable, even when may are not the best option in terms of performance.

decsoft (In thread: How to send latitude and longtitude to Googlemap App?)


Take a look at the Launcher control and the LauncherCheck, LauncherStart and LauncherAction. Also take a look at the "Launcher" app sample and the "CordovaPlugins" app sample too. This second one show us how to use custom Cordova's plugins if needed.

decsoft (In thread: How to send latitude and longtitude to Googlemap App?)


Honestly I am not an expert in the Google Maps Embed API, which is used in the "GoogleMaps" app sample. I don't know if such API allow us something like you wanted in the first time. In fact I can't understand very well what you wanted (for sure due to my bad english) since the maps show to us a "point", not based in the longitude and latitude, but in the place (point) name. If Google allow us to use longitude and latitude then we can use the Location control to get that information, and then update or set the IFrame URL to the appropiate one.

decsoft (In thread: {Suggestion} WYSIWYG Html Editor)


I can remember me searching for it. Anyway, something the code preview (in real time) allow us is to use the Bootstrap CSS framework, just like in the final application. I don't know of any WYSIWYG editor with this ability, for example.

decsoft (In thread: {Suggestion} WYSIWYG Html Editor)


I will take note tin, however, I don't know any WYSIWYG editor component who produces good HTML code for us. That's is the reason we don't use a WYSIWYG editor but have an HTML preview panel. This panel is not exactly the same, however, at least we can see what we are writing. :)

decsoft (In thread: Cannot get value with ObjectGetProp after update from 2016.95)



You're welcome!

decsoft (In thread: Cannot get value with ObjectGetProp after update from 2016.95)


Probably the better can be to allow us to choose: use the same name or not to use it. :)

I made the appropiate changes in order to allow us to write code like this without problems:

Changes also affects to some other actions in the same way than the "ObjectGetProp" action.

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