How can I trigger a button inside a record row without firing rowclick

Yang Ghua

as in Sample Report17,Report with 'Table'

I get this in Report's Html,something like:

when I run the sample ,and click the button in record row,It will call the 'RowClick' event instead of the function 'test_delete'


Hello Joshua,

Please, try with "ng-click" instead of "onclick", just like in the "Report17" sample that you refer.

Yang Ghua

with "ng-click", It will just trigger both the 'RowClick' and my Function 'parent.test_delete'


Hello Joshua,

A possible way to achieve what you wanted is to identify the buttons you are using in the Report HTML, then we can act according to that button's identifiers. Take a look at this modified Report17 sample and tell me if they can work for you.

Yang Ghua

Oh,This is good,This can work :D and =D
here in ng-click="$parent.ReportRecordClick(Record.ID)
how can I replace 'Record.ID' with the Report's Index??
Reportname.Index seems will not work!


Hello Joshua,

Yes; you can use the "$index" word in this way:

Yang Ghua


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