How to use the OAuth protocol from App Builder apps?

Yang Ghua

how can i fulfil oauth in AB,any ideas?


Hello Joshua,

Honestly I never try with OAuth, however, I think we can achieve that by using HTTP calls from our apps. So please, do you have some service or API in order to try it? Or may you try it right now and find something wrong or certain specific problem?


Hello Joshua,

I am playing a bit with this OAuth question and finally discover than probably we can authenticate our applications using such protocol just by the appropiate HTTP calls. However, when I try with the Twitter API, I found the CORS problem appear. Which this means? Well. In fact our application must connect to our own server in order to deal with the Twitter API.

Then we need some kind of "bridge" in our own app's server in order to overpass the CORS limitation, and, since this is like that, yes, we need a way to authenticate with the Twitter API via OAuth, but not from our application code, but from the server code. Our applications (as always) just must to perform the appropiate HTTP calls and take care about the server responses.

In principle this latest one (organize our server to perform OAuth autentications) can be perfectly achieved, since we have OAuth libraries availables for use with many languages, for example, here is a guide for OAuth using the PHP language, and we can found lot of more stuff in GitHub, for example.

Yang Ghua

oh ,I get it,maybe I make a OAuth server myself later to do more test


Hello Joshua,

Ok! Please, let me know if I can help in something. :)

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