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decsoft (In thread: {Solved} Missing Generated *.bat Files)


Waiting for the error capture, which probably can help here. Certainly the "Build" button must creates the BAT files, and, in fact they works like expected here: there is no reason (I can imagine right now) to work in one case and not in other...

decsoft (In thread: error with double keys in Select.control > ngRepeat:dupes)

Hello Walter,

I want to take a look at this, but, currently duplicates are not supported, then if a duplicate items appear the right error is raised. What you can do (I think is possible, since duplicates items are... equals...) is to creates another Array without the duplicates items (using "ArrayIndexOf") you can know if an item is already in this second Array, and then assign that Array to the control Array variable.

decsoft (In thread: Use vars in Strlen or ArrayIndexOf)


Maybe you found a bug in certain scenario, or maybe the problem is related with some "case sensitive" mistake. The below code works for me, then, try to investigate a little more, for example, assert "[searchme]" must be as is and not "[SearchMe]".

decsoft (In thread: {Solved} Missing Generated *.bat Files)


I can't here the right environment for the Windows platform, however, trying to follow your steps, unfortunatelly I can't reproduce the error. Note that the Debug button (F9) does not create the BAT files, since they are not needed to debug the application in App Builder. The BAT files are generated when we use the Build button (F8). Maybe this is what happend when you don't get ready the BAT files?

On the other hand any error message can be good here tin.

decsoft (In thread: sqlite javascript)

No problem! :)

decsoft (In thread: sqlite javascript)


Maybe you can take a look at the samples included by the proram romarom. We no need any Cordova's plugin to deal with JSON. We can use action slike NewObject, SetObjectProp, StrSerialize, StrUnserialize, SetOption, GetOption, etc. The Report control is also capable to parse JSON automatically. We only need a Cordova's plugin (the Files plugin) if we want to store more than the Mega Bytes allowed by the app's storage, which can vary between browsers.

App Builder already includes samples which deal with JSON, however, I want to add another one (some kind of "Agenda" sample) when possible.

decsoft (In thread: sqlite javascript)


No. PHP is not needed at all to deal with JSON, except if the JSON come from a server. We can deal with JSON data (text files and "real" JSON objects) from App Builder without PHP or any server assistance. In fact, we can read and write JSON data and store it into the app's local storage (various MB at our disposition) and we can also read and write JSON text files (with more space available), using the Files Cordova's plugin, which is ready out of the box in App Builder.

As I say before, what must be our approach depend on the application we are developing.

decsoft (In thread: sqlite javascript)


But you are trying to porting some application into App Builder? I say you have other options to manage data without the use of SQLite. I have anything againts SQLite, but the current browsers' support is not quite good, and we have alternatives. Depending what you want we can take one or other approach. For what kind of information you need to use an SQLite database?

P.S. Of course you can continue trying to use SQLite following the above links.

decsoft (In thread: sqlite javascript)


Happy Easter too! Please, romarom, take a look at the External app sample included by App Builder. That sample show us how we can use Javascript from our applications. No matter if we use Javascript declared in certain Javascript file, which you know we can include in the application from the app's file's manager. On the other hand, can I ask why you need to access Sqlite?

If you want, for example, to store user's or app's options, we can do it without the need to use any external Javascript at all, for example, using the app's local storage.

decsoft (In thread: {Solved} Missing Generated *.bat Files)

You're welcome! :)

decsoft (In thread: sqlite javascript)


I am not an expert in this field, but, a quick search in Google point us to this StackOverflow thread, where an sql.js project is mentioned. So take a look at all of theese resources: continue the search in Google, read the StackOverflow thread and finally take a look at the mentioned JS project and probably others if you can found them.

Anyway, remember we can deal with JSON, text files and the app's local storage "out of the box", then maybe you no need SQLite at all, except if you need to consume already existing data in SQLite...

decsoft (In thread: {Solved} Missing Generated *.bat Files)

lHelo Ade,

A rare scenario, since App Builder don't use Node nor Android SDK nor internet connection. in order to generates the BAT files for Apache Cordova. In fact they don't need Apache Cordova to do that. Probably is a problem with the write permissions and the directory in which your application is placed, but again, App Builder does not require admin privileges at all... in normal circumstances...

decsoft (In thread: {Solved} Missing Generated *.bat Files)


Hi Guys,

The issues has been solved.


Glad to know Ade! Finally you found what happend?

decsoft (In thread: run (ctrl+F9) windows7)


Sorry, but, if you have a new question, start a new forum's thread. On the other hand, it's not a good idea to ask a question and then just forget it, including my answer. Please, take care about your participation in this forum.

I close this thread.

decsoft (In thread: {Solved} Missing Generated *.bat Files)


No problem. Just post here if you think I can do something or just to say everything is OK. :)

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