Posts by Bryce Beattie

Show threads by Bryce Beattie
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Bryce Beattie (In thread: forEach method in Internet Explorer 11)

In the Project Options -> Behavior tab, I have "Hide javascript errors to the user" unchecked to help with debugging. When I run the compiled file, I get an error popup. That popup gives me a line and a Char position, but no file.

Furthermore, I have gone through every javascript file loaded by my index.html file, and none of them have a forEach statement on line 66. Any ideas as to where I should look to track down the problem?

Bryce Beattie (In thread: HTML Compiler: appShellExec question)
David, you're amazing. Thanks.

Bryce Beattie (In thread: HTML Compiler: appShellExec question)
Do you think you might ever be able to build in a way for the appShellExec function to either wait until the command called is done executing or maybe buffer and send back any text generated to stdout (or whatever windows calls it) by the command that was run by appShellExec?

Bryce Beattie (In thread: Issue with writing and reading JSON files)
That did it. I'm not sure why JSON.parse can't deal with an extra whitespace character, but it's now working. Thanks!

Bryce Beattie (In thread: Issue with writing and reading JSON files)

I'm trying to use HTML compiler to save and load .json flavored text files. If I use javascript's JSON.stringify and JSON.parse I can encode and decode data fine. However, when I use stringify to get a string and write it to a file, then read it in to a string and use parse, Javascript throws an "unknown character" error.

For what it is worth, I opened the file written by appReadFile and copy and pasted the stringify results into a json validator, and it says the text is valid json.

If I have javascript write out those two strings (the one i write to the file and the one i read from the file, they strings look the same, but javascript says they are not === or ==.

Is it possible that appReadFile is inserting a hidden character somewhere?

Bryce Beattie (In thread: HTML Compiler: File Filters)
Sweet. I'll check it out. Thanks a million!

Bryce Beattie (In thread: HTML Compiler: File Filters)
Any chance we could get file filters in appFileOpenDialog() and appFileSaveDialog()? So I could call those functions with a parameter that would be either a string, or maybe an array of strings:
chosenFile = window.external.appFileOpenDialog(".ext");
and the file chooser would have .ext (or whatever I wanted) as the default extension? Thanks!

Bryce Beattie (In thread: Custom Fonts in HTML Compiler app)
Thanks, I used the svg js version and fontawesome is working now.

Bryce Beattie (In thread: Custom Fonts in HTML Compiler app)

I'm trying to use fontawesome and one other custom font in an app I'm building in HTML Compiler. If I use the fontawesome's cdn link

link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-mzrmE5qonljUremFsqc01SB46JvROS7bZs3IO2EmfFsd15uHvIt+Y8vEf7N7fWAU" crossorigin="anonymous"

things work fine when I test in all browsers and in the HTML Compiler preview, but I'd rather embed the font in a local manner, like:

link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/all.css"

This second link works in all browsers I can test, but not when I use the HTML Compiler preview. Any idea what's going on, or if it is possible to get it to work somehow?

Bryce Beattie (In thread: HTMLCompiler: What version of javascript get used for the bundled apps?)
The title says it. What version of javascript does the executable use when a program gets compiled?

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