
Donald Walker

Something I am observing and I thought I would pass on is that if I have an icon associated with an app and then save the app with a different name the saved icon path disappears. This is the icon in the app options.

If I recompile the app it now goes to the default icon.

There may be more to this than I am aware so I will leave it at that.


Hello Donald,

The behaviour can be explained since the app's icon path is saved relative to the application path, then, if we save the application with other name, but, in the same directory, then the icon do not dissapear. This occur because the app's options dialog check if the icon exists, then, if we save the application in other directory, the icon path is no more found relative to the application.

Said that, maybe a possible solution can be to maintain the icon path even when they cannot be found since they are no relative to the new application path and advert of this circumstance with a warning message.

What do you thing about Donald?

Donald Walker

Thanks for that explanation.

My preference would be to leave the icon relative path as it is because I usually save an app versions to the same location.

Right now I "think" it just blanks the path when saving. not sure about that.

I guess the other option is to leave the none relative path.

Not fair for me to say because others may work differently. I am ok with it as long as I understnad.



Hello Donald,

I need to review this when possible. Maybe a message can be show to the user indicating the icon relative path does not match a valid file, but retaining the relative path, in order to be useful when view it. For sure I want to review this when possible.

Donald Walker

Another thing maybe related. It appears I must delete compiled folder when selecting a new icon after I copy .ab file. Even after I select the icon again, it compiles with the default untless I delete the compiled folder and start build anew. Yes /No?


Hello Donald,

Yes; the icon and other resources are not deleted/copied in order to save time/resources when compile an application. Also, the icon is a little special: since App Builder prepares the icon for various sizes/platforms, this preparation do not occur everytime we compile the application for the same reason: save time and resources when compile.

Maybe I can be more accurate in this, for example, I am thinking now in compare the icons' sizes, that is, not only test if the icon exists or not in the compiled application, but check first if the icons's size are the same, for example, in order to update it in a more accurate way. So yes, probably I need to review that mechanism one more time sir.

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