Dropdown design and runtime does not work as expected.

Danny Cheah

Hi David,

I have the following problem and I don't know hot to fixed it. Below is my configuration for the dropdown object. I have 2 items which is Chinese and English. 

But when I run the application the dropdown did not show each of the item on a seperate line but all in a single line. 

Sorry to keep troubling you for help. 


Thank you.
Best regards,
Danny Cheah


Hello Danny,

Sorry, but I can't reproduce the problem here. Please, be sure that you edit the items in the Array editor dialog, be sure there are really two lines. Take a look at the Dropdown app sample too. If the problem persists, please, post here, and, if possible, provide a sample app in which we can see the problem.

Danny Cheah

Hi David, 

I have looked into the sample dropdown and that's why I could not understand why it didn't work. If I create totally new project it works. But if in my existing project, it does not work. That's why I'm so confused. 

Thank you.
Best regards,
Danny Cheah


Hello Danny,

It's quite rare. Maybe you are changing the Dropdown Items variable at runtime? Remember that variable is an Array, so you cannot set an string to it, for example.

Danny Cheah

Hi David, 

How below is my project code as I've followed everything accordingly and it's still not working. 

Thank you.
Best regards,
Danny Cheah


Hello Danny,

Please, remember to use the "code" HTML tag. Certainly, you are right, the Dropdown don't work as expected in your project, but, it's not related with the control itself, but with the app theme that you are using. Apparently that theme ("Cosmo") have some problems with the Dropdown control. Other themes too. I need to investigate this when possible. In the meanwhile... sorry but you cannot use the "Cosmo" nor other affected themes.

Danny Cheah

Thanks David. I will change the theme. 

Can I use this https://html-online.com/editor/ to generate my post? 

Thank you.
Best regards,
Danny Cheah


Hello Danny,

We are talking about paragraphs and textboxes for the code... that is, the "p" and the "code" HTML tags... probably we no need an editor for this beyond the Notepad. ;-)

Danny Cheah

Hi David

I'm using the "p" and "code" in this message. I hope I get it right. This is just a test message.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Danny Cheah


Absolutely right, Danny! That's exactly!

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