ObjectGetProp property name from argument in AB function

Amin Mousavi
Hi David,

In an AB function I am reading an object to do some processing. To be able to reuse the function however, I will need to be able to pass the property name to ObjectGetProp and ObjectSetProp but then an issue appears and they are not able to determine the field I am looking for. I need to run the below and read the Yfield from function argument:
[argument] = Yfield If like below I put the data directly into it, it works though: What do you think I should do?
Thanks for your help in advance


Hello Amin,

I am sorry for the possible inconveniences. Certainly there is a bug in the ObjectGetProp action, if we use it inside an AB function with an object created before. This bug is fixed now, so please, update your AB copy and try it, Amin. Again sorry for the possible inconveniences.

Amin Mousavi
Hi David,

Wow, fixed it all, now ObjectGetProp and ObjectSetProp work great in the functions, thanks a lot.

There is absolutely no reason for apology, every applications have bugs, specially the ones that are as sophisticated as AB. The best thing about AB is its support! Imagine a bug was discovered in a Microsoft app, it would take ages to have it fixed and by then you had found a work around any ways!

Keep up the very good work my friend and THANKS A LOT for the quick fix


Hello Amin,

Wow... thanks very much for your kindly words. I really appreciate it. :-)

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