Build a browser app with Cordova

Amin Mousavi
Hi David, I am trying to read a text file (a .csv infact) into the an App builder app, conduct a decryption and write the back where it was. To do so, I am studying the "files" sample, in its description it says it needs to built by Cordova to work. So I built it for browser. However I have troubles getting it to work and my searches does not help much! So Cordova just says that whitelist, file and dialogs plug ins, are installed and saved to config, I get no success message but no errors either, in the path folder I get browser.json, config.xml, www, platform_www and cordova folders and no html or executable files. index.html in the www folder also does not run. Am I missing something or it is just my ignorance around the building a browser app by Cordova? Thanks in advance for your help.


Hello Amin,

A want to take a look when possible, however, even when apparently the Browser platform is supported, they are some dirty things to take in consideration. Probably the best way is to rely a task like that to an app's server, so the same thing (an HTTP call) can work in all the platforms.

Amin Mousavi
Hi David, Thanks for the response. Okay then browser app is out of the equation! I thought of a webapp/api already, it is much easier to develop for sure, but since the task is decryption of data I was trying to minimise the parties involved. Will find a way, thanks a mill :-)

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