Referring to a function argument in JS

Amin Mousavi
Hi David, I know that when a variable like "test" is defined in the AB we can refer to it in JS as "window.App.RootScope.test" . But when we have a function and function has an argument named as "arg1" if within the function we use JS, "window.App.RootScope.arg1" does not get the argument. I was wondering how can we pull the arguments in JS? thanks


Hello Amin,

Inside an AB user's function, in order to access a function's argument from Javascript, we can use the name of the argument "as is", for example, in your case we can directly use "arg1" without the quotes nor any prefix.

Amin Mousavi
Hi David, it is working now, very helpful as always. THANK YOU


You're welcome Amin! :-)

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