Programatically scroll to top a Report or HTML control

Amin Mousavi
Hi David, I have an API that is sending more than 100 rows of data to the report control to display. So I have limit the API to send 50 rows at each request and there are back and forward buttons controlling that. Now the issue I could not overcome is that, when you are reading the line 50, you hit the next button, HTTP client loads the next 50 rows into the report control and now because report control has been strolled to the very bottom you will see the row 100. What I need is a syntax to be used for scrolling the report control all the way up any time next/previous buttons are hit. Thanks in advance


Hello Amin,

We can use something like this:

Note that we use jQuery because this library is included by default in our apps by DecSoft App Builder.

Please, try it and tell if works as expected.

Amin Mousavi
Hi David, It works exactly as expected, thanks a million as always for the great support. Regards,


Hello Amin,

You're welcome! :-)

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