AlertBox and Dialog conflict issue

Amin Mousavi

Hi David, I noticed that if I open a View using "ShowDialog", if the opened dialog fires an AlertBox then the "CloseDialog" action does not function and app can not leave the opened dialog. I have solved that by displaying the alerts in a label but wonder if it is a bug?

The other problem is that the close button of alertbox some times does not work. For instance, I have a profile page, for update it calls another view by show dialog when job is done, HTTPCLIENT closes the dialog and fires the alertbox but then the close button of the alertbox does not close it. You can click elsewhere at it fixes the issue but having a close button there that is not functional is annoying, appreciate your advise on that.Thanks


Hello Amin,

Yes; apparently you found a bug, sir. I fix the main problem now, that is, we can close the app's dialog or modal view after shown an AlertBox. If I am not wrong, this fix also implied that the problem with the close button in the AlertBox has been solved too. Please, upgrade your AB copy, made your own tests and tell me if the AlertBox action works now as expected.

Amin Mousavi

Hi David,

Thanks for the quick fix, I updated AB and tested the issues mentioned, the first problem is fixed but problem with the close button of the alertbox in certain conditions still stands!


Hello Amin,

If the problem with the close button persists, please, give me a sample app in which I can reproduce the problem here. You can send it to me at info (ARROBA) davidesperalta (DOT) com. Certainly I can see the problem with the close button here at the first time, but, solving the bug with the AlertBox, then I can't see it again. So please, give me an sample app in which I can reproduce the problem and then I will try to fix it.

P.S. I try with the HttpClient app sample, in which the Http Client control launch an AlertBox in their Success event, and they works as expected.


Hello Amin,

I already reply to you via email, but, also want to do it here, so the thread don't get finally "unclosed". Certainly the issue with the AlertBox that you found exists, however, it's quite, quite rare and difficult to catch. In fact, what I suggest to you is another possible approach, just a simple change of the "CloseDialog" action. They work more or less as expected (can work, anyway) and the AlertBox issue did not appear in this way. I hope the proposed approach / solution can be good for you, Amin. :-)

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