How to use custom CSS in our apps

Amin Mousavi

Hi all,

I am working on a Dynamic form using the 'Dynamic Control' sample. It is all successful and I managed to define a class in JS and control the style of my table class by including a css in file manger with ease. However I wonder, how can I modify other controls in the css. So there are two files in the compiled folder named fixed.css and scaled.css, I can find and modify controls there so for instance I can change color of the Button1 in the css to white but when I run the appbuilder it returns to what it was, I already know I am looking at the wrong place and these files are generated by appbuilder but I wonder where is the right place to modify css in a file.

In the css I have added also I can not work on Button1 for instance as the same name already exists in other css files. So how can I control the style of controls from css? I appreciate your assistance on this.




Hello Amin,

You can use the "Inline CSS" option of the app, which is ready for use from the object inspector, when you select the app in the designer (when click on the designer out of the view nor any other control). You can also use the "Inline CSS" option from the app's options dialog.

Additionally, you can also prepare a CSS file, which you can then add to the app using the app's Files manager that you can see in the App menu. The Files manager allows to add scripts, styles, other files and also entire folders. You must add your CSS file and then AB copy it and use it in the app.

The "fixed.css" and "scaled.css" files are generated by App Builder automatically, and you no need to edit it by hand. This files are used in the app and can be switched also in runtime with the help of the action "SetAppScaled".

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