How to add a table header in the Report control

Tinn Aphopchung

I try html table in report control It show up but my record data not show up.Need help please.


Hello tin,

Please, provide more information or some little app sample. In other way it's difficult to help. Are you tried with the Report* samples? You know we have two kinds of Reports: table and grid? What of them you are trying to use? Sorry for the questions, tin!

Tinn Aphopchung

I use report control with table kind

here is sample code

it show like this

my data record not show up.

Tinn Aphopchung

when I coding

my data was show normally (but I need header of data to describtion to user).


Hello tin,

Certainly, we can't do what you wanted in the current "table" Report. Probably with some hours of work we can achieve something like that using the "grid" kind of the Report control, instead of the "table" one. However, I decided to put two new designtime variables "Header" and "Footer" into the Report control.

These designtime variables (we can't set it at runtime, but we can use variables inside) allow us to put some contents (the table header, for example) at the beginning and at the end of the Report main contents. You can update your AB copy and take a look at the new Report10 application sample in order to view these new variables in action.

Hope this can be useful for you tin!

Tinn Aphopchung

Wow,thanks I will test it


Hello tin,

Wow,thanks I will test it

You're welcome!

Tinn Aphopchung

Hi,David I already test it.It work!!



Hi,David I already test it.It work!!

Glad to know tin! :)

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