I have a request - duplicate view and copy and paste idiosyncracies

Mike Felker

Two things:

1 - Please add a duplicate view command where the views (pages) are. You can add but not duplicate - and when I say duplicate, I mean all items and code go with it - everything is duplicated. For naming conventions, add a letter or number or something to each item.

2 - That leads me to my second request: when copying items, especially large numbers of items from view to view, please do not zero out the control names. I cannot tell you how long it is taking me to complete this app because every time I copy and paste a view's contents, all controls are autonamed something. Then I have to spend a zillion hours renaming everything. In the future, can you keep the control names when copied or duplicated and append a _0 or a _z or something to it?



Mike Felker


Hello Mike,

Thanks for posting and for your ideas. About the first point, are you try with the "Views import/export" feature? On the other hand, are you try with the "Master view"? If you need a button, for example, in every view, you can use the "Master view" to place the button, and then check the "Draw Master" option in the view in which you want that such button appear.

About the second point, I am not sure... when we copy and paste a control, such control must be renamed, since the controls' names must be uniques along the application. So I am not sure if I can understand well the second point. If you have any further question, please, go ahead Mike.

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