Prepare the application's BAT files for Apache Cordova


Hello there,

I'm kinda new to this program, so don't expect too much from me!

I've got a little problem:
When I click on the build button in the program I see a little thing popup but I can't find any map of files of the app!
Please help!



Hello Stef,

First of all thanks for your interest in my work. Please, can you tell me what Windows version are you using? Remember my software runs in Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7, but is not supported for Windows XP or earlier. On the other hand, can you provide some kind of image capture of the problem? And what you expect exactly?

I means if you look for the app compiled files, the default directory is your user desktop, or the directory in which your application project file (.ab) is placed. You must look for a "[App-Name]_Compiled" directory. You talk about a "popup". Can you provide a capture of that? More details you provide, more chances to help you.


Hello David,

By popup I mean the messages menu, and I'm using Win10

I see a "[App-Name]_Compiled" directory" but there isn't a .bat file to run the apk maker or something I saw in a video tut.



Hello Stef,

To prepare the BAT files for Cordova we need to specify that in the app's options dialog:

Open the app's options dialog (Menu -> App -> App options), check at least the above checkboxes, press OK, save the application and then build it again.


I've done that...


Hello Stef,

So you get the "_Compiled" directory but not the BAT files?




According to the image you posted above, you already have the BAT files ready to use...

Samuel Vanneste

Hello David,
I would like to go with Stef's information : in some conditions (I have not already found the ones), I experienced the same behavior. The steps to reproduce is : create a new app, check the checkboxes, add some Views and code, save. Build -> no .bat is generated

Close the app and reopen it. Go to the settings and press "Apply". Build -> the bats are generated. After that, they are always generated.

PS: what is missing on this forum's engine is a +1 (or like) button ;)


Hello Samuel,

I can't reproduce the problem here, or I don't know how to do it... follow your steps, Samuel, once I save the application, the Build generates the BAT files as expected. Maybe you are using the Debug button instead? Remember the Debug button do not creates the BAT files (since we no need that for debug) and only the Build button does.


Hello Samuel,

Here is a short video about our question:



PS: what is missing on this forum's engine is a +1 (or like) button ;)

I am search for some "reputation" module for the used forum manager, but certainly only found a couple of them and very difficult to implement in a first impression... But there is no problem to post something like "+1" when you wanted. :)

Samuel Vanneste

So, +111111 for David :)

I was just able to reproduce it (by chance, really). And I am almost sure to press the Build button ([s]logs attached[/s]) ;)


Hello Samuel,

Thanks for posting the log. Certainly the below message disturb me:

Since just after other messages (for every BAT created) must appear... but are missing in your log.

I definitely need to take a look at this in a more deep way.


Hello Samuel,

Ok. After take a look at the source code, certainly I can't found a possible chance for the problem... except if the application is not saved, that is, if after check the BAT related checkboxes we don't save the application. Certainly the application must be saved, since the App Builder's compiler works with the application's XML project file.

So please, Samuel, try to reproduce the problem but assert you save the application before.

Samuel Vanneste

Yes David, you have found even if we are far far away :D
What I did wrong (I just was able to reproduce by adding a new platform) is to create and save my app, go to the settings and check the checkboxes (sorry, not the path I have described previously) but without saving.

Greatly solved +1111111 :) Thanks as lot


You're welcome Samuel! :)


Anyone is available to help me..


Hey David,

I've done it but I get this message:

Greetings Stef



Anyone is available to help me..

Thanks for your interest in my work. Do you get some error message? Can you provide some captured of the program when fail? Certainly as most information you can provide means a more easy way to help you!


Hello Stef,

Hey David,

I've done it but I get this message [...]

Greetings Stef

The error is more or less clear: Cordova is not well instaled or their binary is not in the system's path. You can follow this forum's thread in order to install Apache Cordova properly.


Hey David,

I get this error when I click on he source link on the forum thread:

404: Not Found

Is there any valid link to the download?


Hello Stef,

May you can refer what particular link failed... then I no need to search in the entire thread. Please tell me what link failed and I will try to fix it!

Anyway, the link that you must follow is the below one:


This link:



Ok. Thanks for the advise. The link is now ok. But, anyway, don't forget the other link I put above and here again for your convenience:


Hello David

I installed all programs of the guide, but now I have another problem:

Any solutions?



Hello Stef,

The error is more or less clear: you must add the "ANDROID_HOME" environment variable into the sytem's. Take a look at this article, for example:

Or look around the web about how to add a new environment variable (the "ANDROID_HOME" one) in the system's environment variables.


I don't have the Android SDK on my laptop, may thats the problem?

Do I need to run debug/release/run?

Thank you for your help by the way!



Yes; you need the Android SDK installed in your computer. This is one of the steps in the above linked tutorial:


Oh lol, I only installed "Cordova" and not all the other stuff. Sorry :cool:


Hello Stef,

Don't worry! Take calm and follow the tutorial step by step. Sure that you finally be ready with this.


I'm feel like a noob right now but why if I change the AppName the build and run function doens't work anymore?


Hello Stef,

Humm... of course the build and runs must continue working... the only difference can be the "_Compiled" directory: if you change the app's name, then the "_Compiled" directory reflect such change.


Strange, now it seems to work again for some reason...

Thanks David!



Strange, now it seems to work again for some reason...

Thanks David!

Maybe the reason is I work for that! :D


I know the reason btw!

If you put a "?" or some other symbol in your app name it can't make the folder because a folder can't hold a "?" in the name property.

You may give people a warning in your next update when they are putting those symbols in the app name!



Hello Stef,

You have reason. In fact, one thing is the app's name, and other thing is the app's project file name. We can set an app's name like "What happend?", and save the app in a file like "MyApp.ab".

However, currently App Builder uses the app's name to conform the "compiled" directory, and this can certainly causes problems with some app's names, like if the names contains something like the "?" char.

The next App Builder release probably conform the "compiled" directory name using the app's file path name, instead the app's name. In this way we shot two birds with one bullet, because Windows does not allow us to save an app's file name which contains non valid characters for file names.

Thanks for the suggestion Stef.


Hello David

I think this is a good solution for this problem, on that way we will be able to set that char in our app names!

Thank you David!


Hello Stef,

My first step is to reply, why we need to set a "?" as our app name? But why not? It's a wrong assumption in App Builder to disallow names like "What happend?" or something like that, and I am working right now to fix it Stef.


Hello Stef,

Update your App Builder copy. Now the program uses the app's file name instead of the app's name when prepare the "compile" directory. If you already updated your App Builder today, you may need to download it directly from their website:

Hello Stef,

Update your App Builder copy. Now the program uses the app's file name instead of the app's name when prepare the "compile" directory. If you already updated your App Builder today, you may need to download it directly from their website:

Saw my name in the update. :cool:

I've installed everything but I got this message:

If I'm opening "C:\Users\Stef\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools\android.bat" I see nothing happening.

I only see a cmd popping up and dissapearing directly. Noting is happening...


Hello Stef,

Here in my system (after installing the Android SDK) I can found the executable in the below place:

Can you found the Android SDK Manager in that place? If not, are you installing the Android SDK alone or using some "bundle" like the included after you install Android Studio or the Eclipse IDE?

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