What is the correct command to simply navigate to a web page?

Mike Felker

I am confused as to which command will allow me to simply navigate to a web page.




Mike Felker


Hello Mike,

Take a look at the OpenWindow action.

Mike Felker

I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that it needs to go into a iframe control.


Mike Felker



Then use the IFrame control's URL variable with the SetVar action:

Mike Felker


Found the code for the iframe.

However, this SHOULD work but does not.

The two drop downs are emojiSelect and sizeSelect

The iframe is called iframeEmoji

Misc is one of the dropdown choices and 16x16 is one of the dropdown choices.

The iframe URL seems correct.

What is wrong? When I run the app in the debugger, I can select stuff but if I choose Misc and 16x16 nothing shows.


Mike Felker

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