How to use the container?

Walter Hiller

is there a sample which shows the usage of the container tool?


Hello Walter,

A container control basically allow us to put inside other controls, then, for example, we can hide/show the container and then hide and show all the controls inside the container. What kind of sample you wanted Walter?

Walter Hiller

Hello Dav id,
thank you for your answer. My only question ist, how to bring or "connect" other controls with the container? I.e I have a keyboard bgd, all the different key controls and want to show/hide them with one action. And in addition want to resize all controls depending on the device resultion. Thanks for your advice



Hello Walter,

When we add controls inside a container control in designtime these controls are also inside the container in runtime too. For example, if you wanted to show or hide the container and all the controls inside you can use the Show, Hide or Toggle actions indicating the container name or ID. About the resolution you can try with some app events like Resize and Orientation, and count with some app global variables like "App.Orientation", "App.InnerWidth", "App.OuterWidth", etc.

Eduardo Alfaro

Hello David,

My name is Eduardo, from Spain, just trying your APP BUILDER... it is so gorgeous!!!
I am learning so much with the examples that comes with your APP BUILDER software.

Now I am trying to do a swipe menu, within a "container" and I want to "animate" it... I saw inside your "SwipeMenu" example, you set a "animated" class to the container, so then later, the container can be animated... but I really do not know whrere the "classes" come from... I tried to improve the animation effect, but I really do not know if there are more classes, or if I can animated and object without classes... do you have any more information about this issue... animation of objets and container and classes used by APP BUILDER???

Thank you so much in advance!!! and congratulations for your software...


Hello Eduardo,

Thanks very much for your interest in my work and thanks for your kindly words. App Builder uses internally the Animate.css library. They is refered in the program's help near to the HTML control, but you have reason and this is not very clear explained. Probably I can do something on this.

We can use the "Classes" control's variables to assign "animated" CSS classes. We can do it in designtime (using the control's inspector) or in runtime using the AddClass, HasClass and RemoveClass actions. Post here if you have any further related question. Or just open a new forum's thread.

Eduardo Alfaro

Hello David,

Thank you for your quickly support. It is OK, now I am begining to understand the animate.css library...
Do you know if we can change the time for the animation? I mean, I would like, for example "slideInLeft", to be faster, it seems that default duration is so slow... and I would like some speed-up felling when the user do a swipe action... can we set-up this "slideInLeft" animation to complete in less than a second??? I really do not know if you understand me...

Thank you very much!!!


Hello Eduardo,

Yes; using a bit of CSS we can control the animation duration. For example, using the app's Inline CSS option, we can write something like the below code:

Doing that ALL animations speed are changed to 200 milliseconds.

Also it's possible to change the speed of a particular animation, just by using the animation CSS class name:

The above code set the animation duration to 200 milliseconds only for the "shake" animation.

Eduardo Alfaro

It is working like charm!!!


You're welcome Eduardo.

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