Upload image in a mysql database

Joseph Caristena

How to let the user upload an image in a mysql database ?

If we have a table field called "imageurl"
how can we upload an image ?

Is there any code sample ?


Joseph Caristena


Hello Joseph,

All the HTTP related samples like "SimplePost" and "HttpClient" allow us to upload images or other files. You can also take a look at the "Camera*" samples, but the HTTP POST approach do not require any Cordova's plugin. What you get in the server is the image properly said. Normally we move the uploaded image/file to certain server directory, then we can know that directory + image URL.

Joseph Caristena

When I import the Camera samples
a message appears:

"... need to be build with Apache Cordova..."

What does that exactly mean ?

Joseph Caristena


Hello Joseph,

That means the Camera control is only available when the application is builded with Cordova and the Camera plugin, for example, ready for work in the Android platform.

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