npEdgeOptions Question

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Susan McDonald

For the npEdgeOptions action, in the Sample Apps there are 6 options shown.

I am wondering whether there are other "hidden" options like the npEdgeSetBrowserArgs action, which are documented on a Microsoft page?


Hello Susan,

There is no hidden options, I mean, the options that you see are the supported by the plugin.

Susan McDonald

Thanks for the answer. What prompted my question is that I have made a "toy" general purpose web browser to better understand how npEdge works. As part of that process, I was wondering if npEdge could be made to prompt to save website passwords which I presume is built into WebView2?

I am not expecting npEdge to have all the features to make a full-featured browser, but was curious if there are undocumented options.


Hello Susan,

Note that the plugin may not implement all the features of the WebView2, since we are using certain component for the plugin that may not implement all the possible features of the WebView2. However, I did not remember anything about the password prompt. I just try with certain website, and, I can fill the login / password and they are stored properly in the user session, but, I did not get asking for saving it or not. On the other hand, I can't see nothing related with the password prompt in this page (which refers a lot of possible "flags" for the browser arguments).

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