Changing the size of a dialog box

John Clarke
How can I change the size of the dialog box? When I look at its properties I cannot specify a specific width and height.


Hello John,

If you refers to the app's dialogs, it's possible to use some CSS code in the dialog's Show event, however, this can cause some scale problems with the controls inside the dialog: if we use pure HTML markup in the dialog (using an HTML control) then the scale problems don't appears. On the other hand, I am talking to reduce the height of the dialog, Jhon, no more, no less: the dialogs are designed to fit the app's views width and height, better said, we use the Boostrap CSS dialogs "as is", and, what we can do is to use the "Size" property of the dialogs, again, no more, no less.

Maybe you can prepare something different using a thirdparty Javascript / CSS library...

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