Web Extensions and the Contextmenu

John Clarke
I am interested in adding my own options to the browsers contextmenu (https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/contextMenus/). Do you have an example of how to do this ?

I am also reading the materials at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/user_interface/Context_menu_items


Hello John,

I have no experience with that, however, in the Google Chrome / chrome-extensions-samples at repository at Github, we can see this "simple" sample of context menu. If you pick the raw "sample.js" of the referred sample and copy it in the WebExtBackground app's event (or if you place it as a background script), certainly we can see a context menu of our WebExtension. You must study that "sample.js" code, John, as well the related API documentation.

John Clarke
Thanks. Its just what I needed. I have a working example now.

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