Responsive in DecSoft App Builder


Hi David,

AppBuilder claimed to cover responsiveness, but I could not find any tutorials related. Could you please give me an example of demonstrating responsive Between devices. For example this, if would like show 4 columns on larger device and 1 column on small device.

Also, I would be having input fields and buttons inside this columns.

Thank you!


Hello Jhonson,

Yes; certainly AB offers the ability to make the apps "autoscale": you can read more here in this help topic. Basically we can use a fixed style or a scaled style (we can changes between them even at runtime), and, combine this last one with the MaxWidth and MaxHeight app's properties.

On the other hand, AB apps uses the Bootstrap CSS framework, so, if we want to go beyond the autoscale option of AB, we can use the Bootstrap CSS grid system also. For example, here is some HTML markup that you can place inside an HTML control of AB (you can copy the below code and just paste it inside an app's view: then an HTML control with that HTML markup are automatically created):

In many apps (or app's views) the autoscale option can be enough, but, certainly there is no problem to use an HTML control (which can cover partially or all the app's view) to use the Bootstrap CSS grid system, that is, the appropriate HTML markup, like the above sample. And it's also possible to use the AB HTML control to place virtually any HTML markup (with the Bootstrap CSS power), including inputs, buttons, etc.

David, Still not clear how to put AB INPUTS and BUTTONS elements inside HTML control with your html markup?


Hello Johnson,

We must use the right HTML markup for every Bootstrap CSS control / component that we want to use. I already prepares a Grid sample app to be included in the next release of AB, however, in fact it's easy to explain how to proceed.

1º Place the below HTML markup inside an AB HTML control:

2º In the app's view in which you place the HTML control, place the below Javascript code in the app's view Show event:

So as you can see we use the Bootstrap CSS Grid system, place some inputs and some buttons, and, also the right handlers to react when the buttons are pressed by the user. In the same way that we add these inputs and buttons we can add any other Bootstrap CSS component and deal with it.

Again, the autoscale option of AB can be enough, in other words, not all the apps requires to use the referred HTML markup, the Bootstrap CSS Grid system, etc., but, if we wanted, we can do it, thanks to the HTML control of AB. Of course you must refer to the Bootstrap CSS framework documentation in order to properly use his components, CSS classes, etc.


David, how to use the following vue markup inside HTML control, currently not working.

app show event


Hello Jhonson,

Yes; Place the below in the HTML control:

And the below in the app's view Show event or the app's Mounted event:

Take a look at the app's store property. Take a look also at the "Html" sample app included with the AB installation.

P.S. Please, Jhonson, use different forum's threads for different questions / topics, so we keep the forum better organized.

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