Open web url from html view control

Mario Steinbacher
Hi David, it's me again ... what is the best way top open an url in the system browser (Android, ios, ... ) when the link is in the html view element. (i have made a vue template where i place all needed elements) because sometimes i have links to no https pages. And in most cases i have to open the links in the system browser. best regards.


Hello Mario,

Yes; If I understand well, you have something like the below in an HTML control placed in an app view:

If that is correct (the link markup can change, but, I hope you got the point), probably the most easy way to handle the link is to use the Click event of the HTML control, so, we can place the below code (which asume an "htmlContent" control inside an "view1" app view):

Note the usage of the Cordova InAppBrowser plugin, which you must "check" in the Apache Cordova tab of the app options.

The above is just a way to handle the links, so, if you find it not really useful in your particular case, just post here, and I will try to help you with other possible ways, Mario.

Mario Steinbacher
thank you! I have made a custom function with your cordova part and it works. thank you, david

No problem, Mario! :-)

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