Posts by Jhonson

Show threads by Jhonson
9 posts found, page 1 of 1

Jhonson (In thread: Generate IPA files from Mac OS)
Thank you David. I could generate the project file. What is the minimum XCode version required to open the *.xcodeproj file?

Jhonson (In thread: Generate IPA files from Mac OS)

Hi David.

I checked mac has got

- xcode
- ios sdk
- npm
- git
- node

when click on the, this just open the sh file on xcode. It does not generate folders or ipa file (in windows, generate platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\debug).

Please help.

Jhonson (In thread: Generate IPA files from Mac OS)

Hi David,

I hope everything is good with you over there.

Would you please let me know more details for generating ipa on mac including mac requirements such as

I tried this instruction but nothing generated.

Thank you in advance.

Jhonson (In thread: Create new reactive element at runtime)

Hi david, say I have below in function to be executed later. How to make the reactive {{}} to work? currently not working.

Jhonson (In thread: Responsive in DecSoft App Builder)

David, how to use the following vue markup inside HTML control, currently not working.

app show event

Jhonson (In thread: Responsive in DecSoft App Builder)
David, Still not clear how to put AB INPUTS and BUTTONS elements inside HTML control with your html markup?

Jhonson (In thread: Responsive in DecSoft App Builder)

Hi David,

AppBuilder claimed to cover responsiveness, but I could not find any tutorials related. Could you please give me an example of demonstrating responsive Between devices. For example this, if would like show 4 columns on larger device and 1 column on small device.

Also, I would be having input fields and buttons inside this columns.

Thank you!

Jhonson (In thread: Dynamically set and update div elements)
Exactly, what I'm looking for. Thank you very much!

Jhonson (In thread: Dynamically set and update div elements)

Hi David, I am looking for a tutorial or sample on how to dynamically set and update div element text value the vue way using AB. Please help. Thank you.

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