Posts by Mario Steinbacher

Show threads by Mario Steinbacher
37 posts found, page 1 of 3

Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Bug in imagepush markup class)

Hello David!

I do think I have found a little bug in the imagepush element.

It seems like that the img element got a ' in the class names. for example: "img-fluid h-100 'object-fit-contain" that throws a warn in the console of duplicate attribute.

I hope you can confirm and solve it.

best regards


Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Splashscreen for Android 12+)

no problem

thank you for your fast update policy.

best regards


Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Splashscreen for Android 12+)


yes ... but no.

I did use background color in the past and now I changed it to a totally diffent one cleared the cache closed project and even app builder itself but the new api AndroidWindowSplashScreenBackground always keeps #464646 in config.xml but the old preference changes as expected.


Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Splashscreen for Android 12+)


yea, that's what I was thinking about and have also done.

but the prefernce for the new api 'AndroidWindowSplashScreenBackground' (if this is for the new api) has the default color #464646 and not that one I have choosen. The choosen color is only in the old preference 'SplashScreenBackgroundColor'.

for testing I have changed the color manually and voila it worked.

best regards mario

Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Splashscreen for Android 12+)

Hello David!

It seems like there is a bug on creating config.xml and the batch files.

The plugin cordova-plugin-splashscreen is missing in the batch files (or do we have to add it manually for Android)

In the config.xml are the correct preferences but some lines down there are weird splashscreen preferences like 'AndroidWindowSplashScreenBackground'.

thanks for your work and best regards, Mario.

Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Cordova Geolocation bug)

Hello David!

I do think I have found a bug in your cordova.geolocation implementation.

The method "getCurrentPosition" you have implemented does not accept a third argument (config), but it should.


best regards


Mario Steinbacher (In thread: HTTP: Uncaught TypeError)

Hello David!

Thank you!

Important to note would be that if you use the response in the done handler, you should suggest to call it via views.[name of view].[name of http control].response because view.[http-control name].response would lead to an other error when you are on an other view.

best regards


Mario Steinbacher (In thread: HTTP: Uncaught TypeError)

Hello David!

I dont't now if it is possible ... but if it would be great. My idea would be to change in the done_handler and fail_handler of the http control the self variable from:

... to:

So when the response from the server comes back, but I have changed to another view during this wait time, the response can be handled by the correct http control handler.

I hope this is possible and I am waiting for your response.

best regards


Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Select itemIndex property)


I Think it's AB2 2022.3 the newest version of App Builder. (but was the same in older versions)

Is it possible that this value is only in the change event available?

and for context: the select control is on a Dialog View. I want to read the itemIndex of the select control on clicking on a button on this Dialog view.

And there is the value -1 after a change.

Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Select itemIndex property)

Hello David!

Maybe I have found a little bug. It seems like that the itemIndex property of the select input control does not change or does get at false value -1 after selecting. Setting the property works.

Best regards, Mario

Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Around the variable)

Hello David!

Thank you for your detailed explanations.

You were right: the plugin always opens with the main view. The reason for this I THINK is that the function thats been executed is that this function is a callback in the DeviceReady Event and therefore this callback function is in this DeviceReady Event Scope and so the has to be the first view of the app.

So my solution was to just set Variables in this function and dertermine in the Resume Event which View is shown.

But also used document.location.href in the DeviceReady Event for the state when the app starts new.

best regards


Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Around the variable)
Hello David,
It seems not to work. (I tried it with less and more time to wait 250 or 1000)

maybe is the reason because the App (mobile App Android) is running and it is resuming?

Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Around the variable)
Hello David! in the DeviceRady event, ahhh maybe i need to change it to the DomReady event?!
edit: I do have tried it. but the event (universalLinks) needs to be subscribed on DeviceReady

Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Around the variable)

Hello David!

Maybe I do have found a bug.

As I described in the title above it seems like that the ist not in the view object when the app is openen via deeplink. always shows me the name of my first view of the app.

So I'm not able to detect where I am and to load other views if necessary or prevent to navigate to the same view.

Or maybe it's easier to be able to navigate to the same view, something like a reload.

I use this plugin: cordova-plugin-deeplinks

best regards

Mario Steinbacher (In thread: Camera IOS and show image)

Thank you very much David!

You are awesome!

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