Posts by Samuel Vanneste

Show threads by Samuel Vanneste
182 posts found, page 4 of 13

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Questions about context of the app)

Huh (confused). I will have to retry with a dedicated project but I think if I recall it correctly that even forcing the Transform I had got the OPTIONS (and not having found how to reply it wasn't good). Will let you know for sure ;)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Questions about context of the app)

Not at all David, when using the HttpClient I can't enter my scripts because the HttpClient sends the famous OPTIONS instead of the POST.
I am using the SimplePost instead and decode the multipart form this one sends :)
Enjoy your weekend holiday

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Questions about context of the app)

[s]That's clear David. Last question, please before to let it down : couldn't it be possible to set SimplePost to send data instead of ContentType: multipart/form-data; boundary=---- ? When I say data, it's because :
- when I use HttpClient with the POST, it sends OPTIONS (I have not found what the Servlet has to reply (I have seen the headers reply you set in the provided php file shipped with AB's examples) ~works great with any server (said for the new comers)
- when I use SimplePost, I get the POST as Method but can't get the content from the Bytes (I should try a lot more)[/s]

Definitively closed : found a way to get the multipart. Thanks David

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Questions about context of the app)

You are absolutely right David, but in some cases, App Builder is (for me) difficult to insert in some projects. For example, when it sends the OPTIONS request when there is no web server in front but a only a servlet. The servlet waits for the rough data and gets nothing.

But this is out of the scope of that thread and mainly a strange use of App Builder which seems to more respect the standards compared to what I do ;)

Thanks a lot again for the great and quick replies David :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Questions about context of the app)

Hello David,
Thanks a lot for your quick reply. So if I well understand, I should be able to retrieve the cookie (created by the server) exactly if it was a browser calling the server ?

I will prepare simpler example than my current project. I should do something wrong on that part.

Many thanks :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Questions about context of the app)

Hello David,
(I am currently focused on a short projet, so I will come back to the positioning later, sorry for that)

I have noticed something I was not aware of and wonder about the context of the app created with App Builder, perhaps could you shortly confirm or explain the behavior :

I created a java server which opens sessions and creates cookies in a web browser. But if I visit the hosted web app created with App Builder, I can not create the cookie directly in the browser (from the java server). Of course, I can use the internal action SetCookie for that but I was surprised to have to send all the data "over the air" (for example : username + passwordHash -> server -> session cookie -> app builder -> store the cookie -> send the cookie's value to the server as a data, etc)

Perhaps is there an easier way I am not used to ? Many thanks :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: Auto scaled apps and placement)

Hello David,

As we told yesterday, I have tried to compute some questions about the auto scaled apps and hope not to have missed some. For that I have mixed constraints values and not ; trying to mimic the reality. The demo app source code is here :

The demo app is alive here
The screenshots can be seen here. They are screenshots taken from the Debugger and two taken from a random Android device (Lenovo K33a48 1920x1080 440 dpi)

The original app looks like this

What I noticed :
- when rotating the device (for ex: Debugger_2_480x320.png) the first label (green) overlaps the second one)
- even if a label is put in a container with a select control, it doesn't keep its alignement (for ex: Debugger_2_480x320.png)
- on a real device (Android 6.0.1 using Chrome), the first label is under the browser's search/url field (for ex: Real_device_1.png)
- the font size in a Select control or an Input field is not kept consistent in some resolutions (for ex: Debugger_5_640x360.png & Debugger_6_1024x768.png)
- the space width between a not fixed size button and a fixed sized button (blue buttons at the end of the screen) curiously varies not depending ont the resolution (ex differences between Debugger_5_640x360.png (which seems correct because the width is the double of the original one it was developed on) and Real_device_2.png (which looks like the original layout but is 1080 px width)
- the width of buttons seems not to be consistent too. For example, "Button4" ends before "Button button with max-width" (for ex: Debugger_4_412x732.png) or ends after (for ex: Debugger_5_640x360.png but not Real_device_2.png)

Of course, this message needs not urgent reply. It is only because we discussed it yesterday. And I did not forgot that responsiveness is something difficult to achieve too.
So this is a report as we discussed. :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Vertically align a text in a label ?)

Thanks for the two messages David. I will prepare some examples tomorrow and submit them in a new thread as you suggest it. Good evening :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Vertically align a text in a label ?)

As a side note, not related to the wonderful help you provided, David, I would add that I found it very difficult to manage the responsiveness of the application.

For example, I finally had three lines (the HTML line including the title and two containers). I tested the responsiveness in the Debugger using as much as the screens dimensions the Debugger provides. All was pretty well.
But on some devices (mainly smartphones), the result was not the same. For example, the second line (container) was overlaped by the HTML block in landscape mode.

So I had to add some routines to compute the Top where to put the second line. So, I wonder if I have really understood the Help section about the Auto scaled apps.
And I will have to try the apps I already made because I wasn't aware of the behavior. So, I will have to study closer the Calculator app because it seems to work very well, using the media queries.

Solved for now :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Vertically align a text in a label ?)

Hello David,
Thanks for your reply and the idea using the HTML control by itself. I will try to adapt your app sample to my needs. What could I do without your help :) ?

To explain a bit more because it was not obvious : when using a Label, its text is by default aligned at its top regardless its height. So if using the label as the banner of the app, its text is never aligned to the vertical center of the label when it's resized. I saw it by chance visiting a current app from my phone and not my laptop.

Thanks again

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Vertically align a text in a label ?)

I am that guy trying to create a banner on a responsive app but without being able to vertically align the text in a label.
I tried many options like putting the label inside a Container too. Crawled the web but didn't found the solution.

I can see the SetStyle working but the text won't move. I am sure, I am missing something, perhaps could you help on that ?

Many thanks

Example APP

EDIT: after reading the W3Schools, I understood that vertical-align didn't apply to labels... But how could I vertically align my label in a container ? I am working on that now

EDIT2: really tricky, using the label inside a container inside another container but hard to remember and to really set

EDIT3: almost there : the label should be set in a container with the relative position, the label's position should be absolute and its top should be 50%. But while changing the resolution, the Text inside the label goes out the label itself... To be continued

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: App samples - not all searchable)

+100 ;) Thank you David :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: App samples - not all searchable)

On my computer, it seems that some apps can't be found using the search field. For instance DecSoft or Languages (I have not tried all).

Please how could I fix it ?

Many thanks


Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Filling a Report from a JSON String ?)

Hello David,
Thanks a lot for that new example. It is somewhat I wanted to create (but sending the javascript code to decrypt at random rates from the server ~I have already the related code).
But your example is fantastic too.
What I have learned from my researches since yesterday (and I was surprised) is that I have to unserialize (in the example I already provided) and create a new object then add it to the report, while I thought I could only provide the related data as if it was a json file.

But again, many thanks for your fantastic support and patience :)

Samuel Vanneste (In thread: [SOLVED] Filling a Report from a JSON String ?)

Hello David,

Thanks a lot for your support and the example provided. The problem I still have with that example is this one : I receive the JSON from a server but would like to encrypt it (make a packet that I will decrypt when received). So, I have the String, not the objects in a list (an array) ordered.
It is inside a browser app so I can not use the File plugin (I think) and so I can not reload a clear save file. And I can not imagine (at the moment, probably tired on this), recreating objects reading from the JSON string.

Please, forgive me if I am not clear enough and thanks a lot for your help. I will try again tomorrow on the project. All my bests, David :)

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