DecSoft About

DecSoft have twenty two years of experience developing software for Microsoft Windows and the World Wide Web. We place at your disposition all our products with the hope that can be useful for you. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need some custom software solution.

Web sites & web apps

If you need a web site for your personal use or for your business or company, we can offer to you the best in the most recent web technologies. We use our own well proved framework for the server side and well knows frameworks in the client side.

Software for Windows

If you need a native program for Microsoft Windows you also can count with us. We have lot of experience developing software for this operating system and want to offer this experience for you to create useful native Windows applications for you, your business or company.

Plug-ins for VisualNeo

You probably know that DecSoft have published right now 60 plug-ins for VisualNeo: the World's Best collection of plug-ins for VisualNeo. We can develop customs plug-ins for you, in order to enhance your already existing or new VisualNeo applications. We have lot of experience on this field.

Apps for Android and iOS

By using DecSoft App Builder we can create applications for Android, iOS and other supported platforms. We already help to create various applications using our DecSoft App Builder and can also help you in your own applications too.

Don't hesitate to contact!

We are ready to reply to you as quickly as possible. Don't hesitate to contact. Feel free to write an email at or just use the DecSoft contact form. We will happy to help you.

You can find us in the below social networks:

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Ask us anything about our products


I have purchased several [Visual Neo] plug-ins from Decsoft in the last couple of months. They turn out to be quite useful for the kind of apps I am developing, and when purchased as a bundle they are not expensive either. Apart from the obvious high quality of the plug-ins and their included sample applications, I would like to mention the highly responsive customer service by David Esperalta. I contacted him a couple of times with specific questions and one or two help requests. Each time he did his utmost to help me, his help was very effective. David really goes the extra mile for his customers. Highly recommended!
Rob Meulman, Sellingen, Groningen, Netherlands
[...] As I have said a few times David I am so impressed with your work and support too. Really your have made a huge difference to what I am able to do. So thank you! Stay safe & well.
Jason Roberts, Wellington, New Zealand
I'm really enjoying the possibilities of your plug-ins, it gives me a lot of futures I didn’t had before or only with use of a lot more of script.
Eric Beerhorst, Enschede, Netherlands

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